
What is Spiritual Malnutrition and How Do We Fix It?

 In In the News

Springtide Research Institute was recently featured by Patheos. You can see an excerpt of this article in part below, but we encourage you to visit their site to read the piece in its entirety.

The Church also has a “processing” problem. Young people especially struggle to “digest” all of the Church’s rules and regulations. Half of all Catholics leave the Church at some point, and just 39% attend Mass regularly. Young people especially struggle to digest the Church’s teachings. Springtide Research Institute’s 2020 study showed that 71% of Catholics aged 13-25 consider themselves “religious,” but over half say they don’t trust religious institutions. When asked why, they provided illuminating answers:

  • Only 10% said that a youth leader reached out to them at any time during the pandemic.
  • 54% said the Church tries “to fix my problem instead of just being there for me.”
  • 58% reported, “I don’t like being told answers about faith and religion. I’d rather discover my own answers.”

Click here to read the full article.

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